Choose in which week you would like to be screened
Choose where to be screened
Please wait
This list shows up to five of the closest clinics to your address which are available during the week you selected. If you would like to be screened in a different location, perhaps near a workplace or near a friend or relative's house, please enter the postcode below and press 'Search'.
If you are unable to find a suitable location, press 'Back' and choose a different week, or contact the Bookings Office on $BOOKINGSNUMBER$.
Choose an appointment
Please wait
Below is a list of available appointments for the clinic and week you have selected. Please select the appointment which you would like to book. If you arrange patient transport services to get to your appointment, we advise booking an appointment in the morning.
If none of the available appointments are suitable, press 'Back' and choose a different clinic or week. If you can't find an appointment that meets your needs, please contact the Bookings Office on $BOOKINGSNUMBER$.
Confirm this appointment
You have selected Monday the 9th of March at 12:30am at Clinic 1
If you are happy with this, click on 'Confirm this appointment', otherwise click 'Back' and choose a different appointment.
Confirm this appointment